Full Service Agency for Web and Mobile App Designs

We specialize in professional website designs that are attractive and affordable. And to realize your goal of having a mobile application, we have ninja developers ready to design your imagination.


What We Do

We specialize in the design of professional websites that are attractive and affordable. For your mobile application, we have ninja developers ready to design your imagination.

Website Design

Combining strategy, creativity and design we will create your website so that it has the greatest impact when it comes to presenting your business through mobile devices and computers.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications are the perfect complement to a well-designed mobile marketing campaign. With an app you can be available to your customers at all times.

Desktop Applications

Desktop applications are characterized by carrying out almost all business operations. Security prevails in this mode.

Web Applications

They are popular due to the practicality of the web browser as a thin client, to the independence of the operating system, and it facilitates updating and installing software without taking the system offline.


The way your customers think, behave and buy is changing. The best practice today is the old idea of ​​tomorrow. The future of E-Commerce is here.


Offering services or products in more than one language increases sales. Make sure you have your web pages or mobile applications in at least English and Spanish.
Web Page Designs
Compuzoft is dedicated to creating custom websites that reflect the services of your company and in facilitating interaction with your customers.
Desktop Applications
Compuzoft designs desktop applications for offices, warehouses, workshops, clinics, among many others.
Mobile Applications
One of Compuzoft’s specialties is in its development of mobile applications for Android and IOS. Our Engineers consider these developments a hobby.
Web Applications
We design web applications that facilitate access to data from anywhere in the world such as in surveys and learning programs (LMS).
Compuzoft can help you open your virtual store and integrate a portal to handle online payments.
Compuzoft has native speakers in both of the world’s leading languages​,​ English and Spanish, to help you reach a greater customer base.

Recent Projects

We believe that our projects speak for us.  Samples of our most recent works.



Tarjetas de presetación digitales

Spakol SAS


Mueblería Darien


Salon 1813

Salon de eventos y restaurante en Soledad

J.C. Bienesraices


Web Applications

Desktop Applications

GED Math Scaffold

Programa de matemáticas para adultos

GED Math Scaffold

Menú Principal

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

GED Math Scaffold

Menú de analices de estudiantes

Leave this blank

Homecare Database Management

Homecare Software Management Program

Homecare Database Management

Employee Management

Homecare Database Management

Patient Management

Homecare Database Management

Menu for Patient Reports

Homecare Database Management

Homecare Patient Managment by weekday, shift and type of care

Homecare Database Management

Geolocation of Employees  and Patients

What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s Work Together

You have ideas, and we can help you develop them. Contact us without obligation and let’s talk in confidence about how we can help you make your idea a reality.

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